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What to do with my crazy ideas?

Johanna Martinez


Sometimes I just get a surge or rush of ideas. Some may be great or some may just be silly. What do I do? I run with it. Before I would second guess. I would feel scattered and not know what to do. So, what steps can you take:

Write it down:

This has been my number one go to. If you don’t write it down, then you will forget it and regret not writing it down. I have started journaling and it has been one of the most cathartic experiences so far. It can become quite addicting too.

Let your imagination run wild:

Some may argue that this may the most important step of all, if we can see it in our minds we can create it in our reality.

I think imagination and visualization are one of those tools that can really help us. This important skill has been with us since we were very little. As children nothing seemed impossible. So why let it be that way now!

Do your research:

We may think our ideas are out of reach and possibly be intimidated by all the work it may take to do something. But there is only one way to know which is by doing your research and due diligence. That may mean a quick google search to getting a mentor in the field.

Just do it:

My favorite name brand slogan “Just do it” by Nike. There’s nothing more empowering and scarier than trying something new. Don’t let the fear completely take over. There are always ways to take calculated risks or if you’re an adventurer just go all in!

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is a common saying that originated from a Chinese proverb



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