Photo by Jan Vašek from Jeshoots

Embracing our natural power: Intuition

Johanna Martinez
3 min readNov 3, 2021


Intuition is “a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What really stands out here is that it is something that it is natural to us. It is also a feeling that guides us. Our intuition allows to know things without any evidence, what a superpower! The best part is that we don’t have to do anything to have it, since it is something innate in us. Now let’s embrace this natural ability we have.

I believe we should trust our instincts above our logical minds that tend to cloud our judgements. Animals must trust their instincts to survive. Why can’t we?

What if we learned to trust that innate power that every person has? Often, I wish we had been taught this at an early age. Not saying this would have saved us from many lessons and experiences, that we still need in life. I want to believe that our intuition would have made our lives so much easier and in essence we had reclaimed our natural ability and power.

What gets in the way? Our own mind.

Our thoughts which are mostly driven by our ego. Ego tends to “protect” us from all harm. Therefore, we develop so many defense mechanisms to…



Johanna Martinez

I am a student of life, trying to share my views on different subjects. Looking to inspire and be inspired!